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Feminism and Digital Space-


Where previously manifestos such as the famous one by Marx and Engels warned of the alienation to come as it was already emerging in the newly industrialised countries of Europe, and declared an injunction to avoid and overcome it, LC’s XF has emerged in a world where forms of alienation have proliferated and saturated the world. And asks, in regards to alienation, “have we ever been otherwise?” If not, could it not be the case that some sort of alienation gives structure to whatever it is that we are. Whatever the “we” is that is capable of reading and writing this text is already alienated from the kind of immediacy of existence experienced by creatures without language. And is it not through the alienation of system such as language and reason that we have been able to develop into a culture that at once produces further alienating structures like capitalism and gender but also produces their critique? Is it not through technologies, such as antibiotics, acting upon bodies that so many of us have been able to live so long that to keep reading we need to modify our eyes with the technology of crafted lenses and lasers. Is such a creature not already alien?  Maybe then some forms of alienation are not all bad. Maybe it will be further alienation that will free us from whatever unjust forms of culturated nature have burdened us with patriarchy. If this is the case, XF is then bold enough to ask the follow-up question, what can we do if we were to embrace our alienation and proliferate it further? Can this be how we attain emancipation?

——Macon Holt(

enofeminism is gender-abolitionist. ‘Gender abolitionism’ is not code for the eradication of what are currently considered ‘gendered’ traits from the human population. Under patriarchy, such a project could only spell disaster–the notion of what is ‘gendered’ sticks disproportionately to the feminine. But even if this balance were redressed, we have no interest in seeing the sexuate diversity of the world reduced. Let a hundred sexes bloom! ‘Gender abolitionism’ is shorthand for the ambition to construct a society where traits currently assembled under the rubric of gender, no longer furnish a grid for the asymmetric operation of power. ‘Race abolitionism’ expands into a similar formula–that the struggle must continue until currently racialized characteristics are no more a basis of discrimination than than the color of one’s eyes. Ultimately, every emancipatory abolitionism must incline towards the horizon of class abolitionism, since it is in capitalism where we encounter oppression in its transparent, denaturalized form: you’re not exploited or oppressed because you are a wage labourer or poor; you are a labourer or poor because you are exploited.

——XENOFEMINISM, A Politics for Alienation Laboria Cuboniks(

Unlike deconstructed feminism, XF affirms the existence of biological genders, but gender is hackable. To liberate women from childbirth. Consider multiple factors other than gender in gender politics, such as race, class, etc.

XF is produced after postmodern feminism, which is also in line with the contemporary development of Feminism: opposition to the centralization of power based on gender as the standard of hierarchical distinction.


XF theory seems to me to be a combination of contemporary feminism with the rapidly evolving digital space and the idea that gender classes can be eliminated through asexuality in a space that has been masculine since its inception.

Feminist Internet


Feminist Internet seems to have a completely different solution to Xenofeminism's goal of achieving equal rights for women in the digital space. In the digital space, this website does not deny or cover up the identity of women, but chooses to build a feminine perspective interconnection system and build a new digital power space.

I am very glad to learn that feminism has developed so amazingly in the digital space, and it has provided me with two different ideas for practicing digital space equality:

1. Building a de-gendered digital space;

2. Creating a feminine perspective digital space.

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