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Jennet Thomas

Two billion years from now, the oceans are beyond understanding, yet undersea karaoke may still be possible. Cloth and string, song and dance, costumes and goo collaborate to find new ways of moving in bleak time, with help from Stevie Wonder. The toxic ghost of an oyster holds memories of what happened. It sings to a scrap of cloth that fell to the bottom of the sea, trying to form new life, trying to get a face.

Trailer: Animal Condensed, 2018

Two films (15 and 7 minutes) are embedded in a co-ordinated environment in which objects and performance are threaded through the space.


They are parts one and two a trilogy of short films offering a sardonic narrative about the after-effects and nefarious reality of intensive farming and Artificial Intelligence. A charged skirmish between conformity and dissent is enacted as a quasi-documentary that quickly escalates into exceedingly strange domestic science-fiction.

In a place somewhere between virtual and actual, through the collision of meanings and anti-meanings, a visionary fever dream produces an enigmatic philosophical encounter between two post-anthropological agents. In an attempt to reconcile themselves with some unspecified trauma of mass biotechnoviolation, they quiz one another on the origins and ontologies of their species.

Real objects are sweet-talked into rendering up digital outcomes, and computer effects are glitched and exposed for what they really are - rattling the formulation of farmed subjectivities.

There are many performance and background interaction effects in Jennet Thomas' works that I hope to learn.


I am also very interested in her performers' costumes. I may work more on the costumes in my next creative plan. The costumes in Shana Moulton's work also inspires me a lot.

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