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Aki Sasamoto
Phase Transition, 2020

Theater Production. Approaching St. Mark’s Church as a distinct atmosphere, this production was made as a micro universe of weather and wind conditions. The chemical notion of phase transition becomes a playful metaphor for life transitions and aging.

Talking in Circles in Talking, 2015

Melting ice blocks contains things that carry people memory. The drips of the ice and fall of the objects are amplified via hand made contact microphones.

This installation came out of a performance/installation work and started to dominate the space by itself.

Yield Point, 2017

"How elastic are you?

When I am stretched, my body fails first. Perhaps my thought process fails beforehand but I am dysfunctional to register that. Crazy life events in a row would make me collapse, only to realize I had already started to collapse some time before the event of the shut down. Backtracking to uncover an exact tipping point, I collect multiple hypothetical scenarios, often with exaggerated tragic glimpses. This is how a single collapse generates many wounds.

I have empathetic bond with the droopy elastic band of a worn underwear. Sometimes I feel just like it. I wish to learn from the broken and elongate the healthy life of the material the next time. I swear to each object I greet (a new underwear, a new notebook, a new partner, etc). But the chicken race to approach a threshold multiplies my wounds anyhow. i am now an expert in the stretch.

Measuring is the first thing to be learned in a Physics lab. Every event produces a graph or multiple graphs. I love the task of making graphs with manually measured displacements. My graphs are never perfect but I enjoy bending eyes with anticipation for an expected result. You know, cheating happens past the yield point before the break."

In this work, Yield Point, she recorded the exact tipping point of collapse in her life, and used symbolic objects as installations. “I have empathetic bond with the droopy elastic band of a worn underwear.” She subtly blends life scenes with metaphorical scenes.

Do Nut Diagram, 2018

In Video work exploring the ghosts and winds-Do Nut Diagram, she depicts invisible ghosts, winds, feelings, etc. The created illusions are shattered one by one (the third space connected by performance practice).

Aki Sasamoto is, in my opinion, an artist who is very good at unfolding three spaces in one work. Her work in Pyeongchang includes performances and installations. In her works, she connects and activates the space (the first space) that the audience can perceive through the body, thus forming the display of the third space. This perceptible space is composed of very abstract and symbolic devices, and is a metaphorical second space.

In her works I can see the flexible transformation of the three spaces. This is what I hope to learn.

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