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Shana Moulton
Whispering Pines

Collectively titled Whispering Pines ­­­­– the name taken from the mobile-home park for senior citizens near Yosemite that her parents ran – these episodic videos, begun in 2002, chart Cynthia’s personal tribulations. They also reflect on the relationship between consumerism and the search for spirituality. In Moulton’s first institutional solo show in the UK, new videos and sculptural installations commissioned by Zabludowicz Collection are presented alongside key recent projects. They are linked by an exploration of feminist spirituality, specifically the motif of the trapped or imprisoned woman. Ideas central to today’s cultural debate, such as the personal wellness industry, ecological protest and alternative models of livings, are addressed with off-kilter humour and a strange sincerity.

Shana Moulton's work made me realize the 'low fi' aesthetic really important to maintain the humour and exaggerated satire in the work.

I am also very interested in her performers' costumes. The costumes in Jennet Thoma's work​ also inspires me a lot.

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